About This Blog
Hey everyone ! I glad to introduce my new blog to you all. This is going to be very informing blog for you where you can read every bhu's faculties news and news of this city in your mobile phones and you can get every institutional problem's solutions like where you should go for cheapest notebook, books of your syllabus and also where you can find appropriate notes of your syllabus, cheapest room in this city and healthy tiffins for lunch and dinner. if you wanna earn some pocket money by sharing your knowledge you can also join me and whatever your knowledge is you can use that knowledge in writing an article for my blog and by giving tution because I will taking every aspect that can give us most opportunities to learn and earn.
Oh ! By the way my Name is Shubham Kumar and I am from Faculty Of Law, BHU; pursuing my ll.b(hons) course. I had done my graduation from Jagatpur PG College, Varanasi but basically I am from bihar, patna district. I am living in banaras since 2014 probably 9 years. I have seen Banaras like a traveller and also seeing like a local residential so don't worry about anything of this city everything you can find here in this city; this is one of the oldest city of the world still alive and new; giving birth to new ideas and scholars, day by day its updating itself. when you are going from this city you can keep its in your heart by remembering my poetry that is mentioned below.
कविता:- इसे शहर बनारस कहते हैं
एक नदी है किनारे मंदिर सभी
कल कल करती हैं पावन भी
मां गंगा उसे कहते हैं सभी
मां गंगा से ही निर्मल शिव का धाम रहता है
बाबा विश्वनाथ से इस जगह का जग में नाम रहता है
बताओ से शहर कौन-सा कहते हैं
उसे शहर बनारस कहते हैं
जहां हुए संत रविदास कवि
जहां कबीर ने दी निर्मल वाणी
जहां बुद्ध ने अपने प्रथम उपदेशों से
जनमानस का किया कल्याण कभी
बताओ से शहर कौन-सा कहते हैं
उसे शहर बनारस कहते हैं
जहां की बोली में तहजीब की गाली
जहां के लोगों के होठों पर पान की लाली
जहां के चाय की प्याली न हो कभी खाली
जहां सुबह घाट की मस्ती शामें
जिस शहर की सबसे निराली है
बताओ शहर कौन सा कहते हैं
उसे शहर बनारस कहते हैं ।।
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